Manipulating and Handling Text Data in R [Online]

About the workskhop

Although R is known for its statistical computing and graphical capabilities, it also provides many powerful tools for handling, processing, and analyzing strings and text data. This workshop gives an introduction to handling strings using both Base R and the stringr package, and an introduction to regular expressions in R.

By the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • use common operations and functions to manipulate strings
  • learn what regular expressions are and how to use them in R
  • apply these concepts to perform text analysis in R


  • Being able to attend BOTH days
  • Participants will need to have R and RStudio installed on their device prior to attending the workshop
  • Familiarity with R and the RStudio environment including an understanding of basic functionality such as object assignment, data structures, and running scripts 
  • Install the latest version of the stringr package by running install.packages("stringr") in R


Upcoming workshops

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