Chemistry information resources: Books & articles

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Journal articles

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SciFinder - One of the most comprehensive literature and patent databases for Chemistry, going back to 1907.

Reaxys - Reaxys provides access to Chemistry literature and patents with a focus on experimental data and synthesis planning. 

Web of Science - Search citations and abstracts for journal articles, conference proceedings, and other resources across the sciences as well as in social sciences, arts, and humanities. Can also be used for cited reference searches and citation analysis.

IsisCB Explore - A research tool for the history of science, whose core dataset comes from bibliographical citations in the Isis Bibliography of the History of Science. The IsisCB currently contains 40 years of citation data from 1974 to 2014. 

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Browse all journals in Chemistry

Having a hard time decoding journal abbreviations? 
Use UBC's Journal Abbreviation search tool or CAS Source Index to figure out the full title of a journal from its abbreviation. E.g. Aust. J. Chem. is the Australian Journal of Chemistry.