Statistics and Actuarial Science: Books & articles

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Journal Articles

Current Index to Statistics - Bibliographic index to publications in statistics and related fields. References are drawn from core journals that are fully indexed, non-core journals from which articles are selected that have statistical content, proceedings and edited books, and other sources.

MathSciNet - Reviews and abstracts for books, articles and conference proceedings in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science and their applications in such fields as physics, engineering, biology, and operations research.

arXiv - arXiv is a digital repository of research articles and pre-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics.

Web of Science - Multidisciplinary database covering the sciences; provides citation counts, journal impact factors, and more.

Business Source Complete - Covers all areas of business with a large collection of scholarly business journals, industry magazines, industry & market reports, and other business information resources.

All Statistics & Actuarial Science-related databases