The AntiThesis Writing Social, or: Let's (Not) Talk about Graduate Writing [Online]

Have you (not) been working hard on your thesis?
Do you (not now, not ever) want to talk about how it’s going?

Then we invite you to join us for an evening of thesis-adjacent conversation, commiserating, and camaraderie! Bring your beverage of choice and any snacks you might find scattered around your computer to this informal online (anti)thesis social, where we make time to indulge in our collective stories of writing wins and woes; bumps, bruises, and band-aids; successes, scandals, and odysseys… all the chats we run out of time for during our writing-focused workshops and thesis group time.

We welcome familiar and new faces alike, as well as both talkers and listeners. Tell the rest of your household that you’re in a meeting, and join the only graduate student gathering in history where we promise that nobody will ask you any variation of that dreaded question: “How’s it going with your thesis?”

Upcoming workshops

No upcoming workshops available.