Media and Maker Commons

 Regular hours: Monday 1 - 5 pm; Tuesday - Friday 10am - 5pm; closed on holidays

About the SFU Library Media and Maker Commons

The SFU Library Media and Maker Commons is a collaborative, hands-on learning space located in the W.A.C. Bennett Library in Burnaby.

All SFU students, faculty, and staff are welcome!

Whether you are working on your research, coursework, or a personal project, the SFU Media and Maker Commons will provide you with space, services, tools, and training to make, create, prototype, and play.

Media and Maker Commons banner, picturing tools available in the MMC>

Getting started in the Media and Maker Commons

Online training (in Canvas)

Before using our tools and services, you will need to complete online training that covers:

  • how the Media and Maker Commons works
  • safety guidelines you need to follow
  • basic working principles of the equipment you will be using.

You just need an active Canvas account.

Go to Tools & spaces for training and booking details for the specific equipment and services you want to use.

In-person orientation

When you come to the Media and Maker Commons, wait for our facilitator to set you up.

They will check that you have the appropriate training and control that the equipment booked is ready for you.

Booking tools and services

Booking (reservations) requirements are different depending on the demands of the equipment. Generally, you will need to complete the training for a piece of equipment before you can make a booking. 

  • 3D printers, the Laser cutter, the Embroidery Machine, and the VR studio can be booked using Canvas after you complete the online training.
  • 3D scanners, rotary tool, iron soldering equipment, and hand tools are available on first-come, first-served scheduling.
  • Video, audio, and editing studios can be booked using our room reservation system.  
  • Letterpress demonstrations or course-based one-on-one appointments can be made by contacting the Makerspace Librarian, Mikael Kriz, at

Check the specific equipment or services in Tools & spaces for more details.


SFU is committed to the full participation of students with disabilities in all aspects of academic life.

The Media and Maker Commons supports such equal participation by coordinating the provision of reasonable academic accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Please contact us to make arrangements: Mikael Kriz, Makerspace Librarian, at